IGNOU Solved Assignment 2024-25/2025-26 PDF Download Free

IGNOU Solved Assignment 2024-25/2025-26 PDF Download : If you are looking for Free IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENT | IGNOU Assignment in PDF ? or the most recent IGNOU Handwritten Assignment online, both of which are necessary for you to obtain 90% or higher marks across all of your semesters? So this platform is best for the IGNOU Solved assignment Free of cost Download for 2024-25 and 2025-26. The Indira Gandhi National Open University is aware of the effort a student puts forth to achieve high grades.

Here we will tell you some important things related to IGNOU Solved assignment Free Download and In this post, we will provide you with all the solved assignments. We will provide all the IGNOU solved assignment 2024-25 for the course. We Provide IGNOU Assignment PDF At Reasonable Price and We assure the we provide Reasonable Price as compared to Other Sources.

All the questions We have answered as per the guidelines of IGNOU University. Our Experts Follows the Guidelines Provided by IGNOU University.

They frequently search online for IGNOU assignment solutions because of this. We now assume control and assist everyone. All IGNOU assignments, practical projects, and guess papers are available from us. We are committed to offering only top-quality, recently completed assignments in clear language so that anyone can easily understand our work.

We are all aware that students must turn in their assignments to the study centre prior to the deadline in order to avoid having them rejected. Therefore, tell us which solved assignment you want and let us handle the stress of your assignments. You’ll pay less than other assignment providers and get the most recent assignments as well. In addition, it is our duty to guarantee that you get top grades on all of your assignments.

Related :   IGNOU Handwritten Assignment Hard Copy & Soft Copy

The list of key Bachelor degree assignments for 2024-25 is provided below; our expertise lies in solving these assignments. However, if there are any crucial assignments that we have overlooked, kindly let us know so that we can give them to you without further delay. Here we have given IGNOU Assignment. If you Want IGNOU Assignment Sample or Assignments Sample then WhatsApp Us. Also Included Culture Studies.

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is a renowned open university in India, established in 1985 by an Act of Parliament. Recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the Distance Education Council (DEC), IGNOU offers a diverse range of undergraduate, postgraduate, diploma, and certificate programs through distance education mode. IGNOU is known for its flexible learning options, high-quality study materials, and accessible education, catering to a wide spectrum of learners, including working professionals, homemakers, and individuals unable to pursue traditional on-campus education.

IGNOU assignments form an integral part of the learning process for students enrolled in various courses. These assignments are designed to assess students’ understanding of the course content, analytical skills, and ability to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations. Students are required to complete and submit assignments within specified deadlines, following the guidelines provided by IGNOU. The assignments cover a diverse range of topics, encouraging students to engage deeply with the subject matter and develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities essential for their academic and professional growth.

IGNOU Solved Assignment 2024-25/2025-26 PDF Download

IGNOU Bachelor Degree Solved Assignments

BA (Honours) Bachelor of Arts with HonoursDownload
BCA Bachelor in Computer ApplicationDownload
BAG Bachelor of Arts (General)Download
BCOM Bachelor in CommerceDownload
BA Bachelor of ArtsDownload
BAVTM Bachelor of Arts (Vocational Studies) Tourism ManagementDownload
BED Bachelor in EducationDownload
BCOMG Bachelor of CommerceDownload
BAG Bachelor of Arts Question PaperDownload
BSC (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Honours)Download
BCOMG Bachelor of Commerce Question PaperDownload
BSCG Bachelor of Science (General)Download
BSCG Bachelor of ScienceDownload
BSWG Bachelor of Social WorkDownload
BCA Bachelor of Computer ApplicationsDownload
B.COM Bachelor of CommerceDownload
BAECH Bachelor of Arts (Hons) ECONOMICSDownload
B.Ed. Bachelor of EducationDownload
BAEGH Bachelor of Arts (Hons) ENGLISHDownload
DWED Diploma in Women’s Empowerment and DevelopmentDownload
BLIS Bachelor of Library and Information ScienceDownload
BAHDH Bachelor of Arts (Hons) HINDIDownload
BPP Bachelor Preparatory ProgrammeDownload
BSCBCH Bachelor of Science (Hons) in BiochemistryDownload
B.Sc. Bachelor of ScienceDownload
BSW Bachelor of Social WorkDownload
BASOH Bachelor of Arts (Hons)(Sociology)Download
BTS Bachelor of Arts (Tourism Studies)Download
CLIS Certificate in Library and Information ScienceDownload
BAPCH Bachelor of Arts(Hons) PsychologyDownload
CNCC Certificate in Nutrition and Child CareDownload
BAPSH Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Political ScienceDownload
CRD Certificate in Rural DevelopmentDownload
BAPAH Bachelor of Arts (honours) public administrationDownload
CTS Certificate in Tourism StudiesDownload
BAHIH Bachelor of Arts (HONOURS) HISTORYDownload

IGNOU Master Degree Solved Assignments

A student becomes more independent in their assignment-making after earning their bachelor’s degree. But many students don’t have the time to do this, which is why they require assistance from others. And we give them that assistance. If they continue to feel that this assistance is insufficient for them, they can purchase completed assignments from us at a fair price.

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M.COM (Revised) Master of CommerceDownload
MCA Master in Computer ApplicationDownload
MA Master of ArtsDownload
MCA_New Master in Computer ApplicationDownload
MBA (MS) Master of Business AdministrationDownload
MBA Master in Bussiness AdministrationDownload
MBA (New) Master of Business AdministrationDownload
MCOM Master in CommerceDownload
MBF Master of Business Administration (Banking & Finance)Download
MEG Master of Arts in EnglishDownload
MBF (New) Master of Business Administration (Banking and Finance)Download
MPS Master of Arts (Political Science)Download
MCA Master of Computer ApplicationsDownload
MAH Master of Arts (History)Download
MCA (Revised) Master of Computer ApplicationsDownload
MSO Master of Arts (Sociology)Download
M.COM Master of CommerceDownload
MAPC Master of Arts (Psychology)Download
MLIS Master of Library and Information ScienceDownload
MEC Master of Arts (Economics)Download
M.Sc. Master of ScienceDownload
MPA Master of Arts (Public Administration)Download
MSCDFSM Master of Science (Food Nutrition)Download
MLIS Master of Library and Information SciencesDownload
MSW Master of Social WorkDownload
MAAN Master of Arts (Anthropology)Download
MAJMC Master of Arts (Journalism and Mass Communication)Download
MTM Master of Arts (Tourism Management)Download
MAGPS Master of Arts (Gandhi and Peace Studies)Download
MARD Master of Arts (Rural Development)Download
PGCGPS Post Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace StudiesDownload
MSCDFSM Master of Science Degree in Dietetics and Food Service ManagementDownload
PGDAE Post Graduate Diploma in Adult EducationDownload
MSCCFT Master of Science (Counselling and Family Therapy)Download
PGDCA (New) Post Graduate Diploma in Computer ApplicationsDownload
MSW Master of Social WorkDownload
PGDDM Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster ManagementDownload
MSWC Master of Social Work (Counselling)Download
PGDEMA Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Management and AdministrationDownload
MADE Master of Arts (Distance Education)Download
PGDESD Post Graduate Diploma in Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentDownload
MAAE Master of Arts (Adult Education)Download
PGDET Post Graduate Diploma in Educational TechnologyDownload
MTTM Master of Tourism and Travel ManagementDownload
PGDFMP Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Markets PracticeDownload
MAPY Master of Arts (Philosophy)Download
PGDGPS Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace StudiesDownload
MADVS Master of Arts (Development Studies)Download
PGDIBO Post Graduate Diploma in International Business OperationsDownload
MAWGS Master of Arts (Women and Gender Studies)Download
PGDRD Post Graduate Diploma in Rural DevelopmentDownload
MAGD Master of Arts (Gender and Development Studies)Download
PGDSLM Post Graduate Diploma in School Leadership and ManagementDownload
MSCMACS Master of Science (Mathematics with Application in Computer Science)Download
MSW Master of Social WorkDownload

IGNOU Post-Graduate Certificate Programmes Solved Assignments

PGCCL Post Graduate Certificate in Cyber LawDownload
ACPDM Advanced Certificate in Power Distribution ManagementDownload
PGCAE Post Graduate Certificate in Adult EducationDownload
PGCAP Post Graduate Certificate in Agriculture PolicyDownload
PGCCC Post Graduate Certificate in Climate ChangeDownload
PGCIATIVI Post Graduate Certificate in Information and Assistive Technologies for the Instructors of Visually ImpairedDownload
PGCINDS Post Graduate Certificate in Industrial SafetyDownload
PGCPP Post Graduate Certificate in Patent PracticeDownload
PGCGPS Post Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace StudiesDownload
PGCGI Post Graduate Certificate in GeoinformaticsDownload
PGCI PWSPost Graduate Certificate in Inventory Planning and Warehousing for EngineersDownload
PGCMDM Post Graduate Certificate in Medical Management of CBRNE DisastersDownload
PGCMHT Post Graduate Certificate in Malayalam-Hindi TranslationDownload
PGDIBO Post Graduate Diploma in International Business OperationsDownload
PGCBHT Post Graduate Certificate in Bangla-Hindi TranslationDownload

IGNOU Post Graduate Diploma Programme Solved Assignments

PGDDVS POST Diploma in Development StudiesDownload
PGDCOUN Graduate Diploma in CounsellingDownload
PGDCJ Post Graduate Diploma in Criminal JusticeDownload
PGDDM Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster ManagementDownload
PGDHE Post Graduation Diploma In Higher EducationDownload
PGDWGS/MAWGS PGD/MA Degree in Women’s and Gender StudiesDownload
PGDAE Post-Graduate Diploma in Adult EducationDownload
PGDAW Post Diploma in Animal WelfareDownload
PGDIDM Post Graduate Diploma in Digital MediaDownload
PGDT Post Diploma in TranslationDownload
PGDHIVM Post Graduate Diploma in HIV MedicineDownload
PGDRD Post Graduate Diploma in Rural DevelopmentDownload
PGDET Post Graduate Diploma In Educational TechnologyDownload
PGDBP Post-Graduate Diploma in Book PublishingDownload
PGDFSQM PG Diploma In Food Safety And Quality ManagementDownload
PGDAPP Post Graduate Diploma In Audio Programme ProductionDownload
PGDIS POST Diploma in Information SecurityDownload
PGDSS Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainability ScienceDownload
PGDDC Post Graduate Diploma In Development CommunictaionDownload
PGDIPR Post Graduate Diploma In Intellectual Property RightsDownload
PGDCA-(NEW) Post-graduate Diploma In Computer ApplicationsDownload
PGDPPEd Post Graduate Diploma in Pre-primary EducationDownload
PGDMCH Post Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child HealthDownload
PGDGPS Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace StudiesDownload
PGDFCS Post Graduate Diploma In Folklore And Culture StudiesDownload
PGDAC Post Graduate Diploma in Analytical ChemistryDownload
PGDHHM Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Health ManagementDownload
PGDSLM Post-Graduate Diploma in School Leadership and ManagementDownload
PGDFMP Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Markets PracticeDownload
PGDEOH Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental and Occupational HealthDownload
PGDESD Post-Graduate Diploma in Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentDownload
PGDGM Post Graduate Diploma in Geriatric MedicineDownload
PGDPSM Post Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sales ManagementDownload
PGDCFT Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Family TherapyDownload
PGDLAN Post Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and NetworkingDownload
PGDAST Post Graduate Diploma in Applied StatisticsDownload
PGDIBO Post Graduate Diploma in International Business OperationsDownload
PGDUPDL Post Graduate Diploma in Urban Planning and DevelopmentDownload
PGDEMA Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Management and AdministrationDownload
PGDCSR Post Graduate Diploma in Corporate Social ResponsibilityDownload
PGJMC Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass CommunicationDownload
PGCIATIVI Post Graduate Certificate in Information and Assistive Technologies for the Instructors of Visually ImpairedDownload

IGNOU Diploma Programmes Solved Assignment

DEVMT Diploma in Event ManagementDownload
DWED Diploma in Women’s Empowerment and DevelopmentDownload
DIR Diploma in RetailingDownload
DCCN Diploma in Critical Care NursingDownload
DWM Diploma in Watershed ManagementDownload
DIM Diploma in ManagementDownload
DIPP Diploma in Paralegal PracticeDownload
DDT Diploma in Dairy TechnologyDownload
DVAPFV Diploma in Value Added Products from Fruits & VegetablesDownload
DAQ Diploma in AquacultureDownload
DPVE Diploma in Value EducationDownload
DAFE Diploma in HIV and Family EducationDownload
DNHE Diploma in Nutrition & Health EducationDownload
DTS Diploma in Tourism StudiesDownload
DHORT Diploma in HorticultureDownload
DMOP Diploma in Modern Office PracticeDownload
DNA Diploma in Nursing AdministrationDownload
DECE Diploma in Early Childhood Care and EducationDownload
DTG Diploma in Teaching German as a Foreign LanguageDownload
DCE Diploma in Creative Writing in EnglishDownload
DBPOFA Diploma in Business Process Outsourcing Finance and AccountingDownload
DPLAD Diploma in Panchayat Level Administration and DevelopmentDownload
DTH Diploma in Theatre ArtsDownload
DUL Diploma Programme in UrduDownload
DTG Diploma in Teaching German as a Foreign LanguageDownload

IGNOU Certificate Programmes Solved Assignments

CFDE Certificate in Fashion DesignDownload
CTS Certificate in Tourism StudiesDownload
CNM Certificate in NGO ManagementDownload
CCR Certificate Programme in Community RadioDownload
CIB Certificate in Bee KeepingDownload
CIT Certificate in Information TechnologyDownload
CAHT Certificate In Anti Human TraffickingDownload
CDM Certificate Programme In Disaster ManagementDownload
CIHL Certificate In International Humanitarian LawDownload
CFN Certificate in Food and NutritionDownload
CES Certificate in Environmental StudiesDownload
CHCWM Certificate in Health Care Waste ManagementDownload
CPY Certificate Programme in YogaDownload
CIS Certificate in SericultureDownload
CRD Certificate in Rural DevelopmentDownload
CPHA Certificate Course in Phlebotomy AssistanceDownload
ACISE Advanced Certificate In Information SecurityDownload
CGDA Certificate Course in General Duty AssistanceDownload
COF Certificate in Organic FarmingDownload
CAFE/DAFE Diploma in HIV and Family EducationDownload
BPCCHN/CCH Certificate in Community Health for NursesDownload
CHR Certificate in Human RightsDownload
CFE Certificate Programme in Functional EnglishDownload
CAHC Certificate in Adolescent Health and CounsellingDownload
ACPDM Advanced Certificate in Power Distribution ManagementDownload
CIG Certificate In GuidanceDownload
CNCC Certificate in Nutrition and ChildcareDownload
CUL Certificate in Urdu LanguageDownload
CCPD Certificate of Competency in Power DistributionDownload
CLIS Certificate Programme in Library and Information ScienceDownload
PGCPP Post-Graduate Certificate in Patent PracticeDownload
CPSCM Certificate Programme in Peace Studies and Conflict ManagementDownload
CGL Certificate in German LanguageDownload
CTE Certificate Programme In The Teaching Of English As A Second LanguageDownload
CGAS Certificate Programme In Gender, Agriculture And Sustainable DevelopmentDownload
CGCA Certificate Course in Geriatric Care AssistanceDownload
CCLBL Certificate in Co-operation, Co-operative Law and Business LawsDownload
CTPM Certficate Programme in Teaching of Primary School MathematicsDownload
CSWCJS Certificate in Social Work and Criminal Justice SystemDownload

If you want to Download IGNOU Assignment Question Paper  – Download Assignment Question Paper 

If you want to Check IGNOU Assignment Status – Check Assignment Status

How to Make IGNOU Assignment?

Here’s a breakdown on how to make an IGNOU assignment:

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1. Understand the Assignment:

  • Source: IGNOU assignments are not available online. You’ll receive them along with your study materials or from your study centre.
  • Assignment Details: Identify the subject, course code, and specific topic covered in the assignment.

2. IGNOU Assignment Guidelines:

  • Assignment Booklet: IGNOU assignments often come with a separate booklet containing instructions and guidelines. Read this carefully. It will specify:
    • Number of Questions: How many questions do you need to answer?
    • Word Limit: Is there a specific word count for each answer?
    • Evaluation Criteria: How will your assignment be marked? This might include marks for answering all parts of the question, clarity, and following formatting guidelines.

3. Research and Complete the Assignment:

  • Gather Information: Use your IGNOU study materials, recommended textbooks, credible online sources, or libraries to research the assignment topic.
  • Answer the Questions: Address each question comprehensively. Use your research and understanding to provide clear and well-explained answers.
  • Structure: You don’t necessarily need to write essays. Structure your answers logically, addressing all parts of the question.

4. Presentation and Submission:

  • Handwritten: IGNOU assignments must be handwritten. Typed or printed assignments are not accepted.
  • Formatting:
    • Use A4 sized paper (ruled or plain is acceptable).
    • Write neatly and ensure good presentation.
    • Leave some space after each answer for evaluator comments (optional).
  • Cover Page: While not mandatory, consider including a cover page with your name, enrollment number, course details, assignment title, and date of submission.

5. Submission:

  • Deadline: Submit your assignments before the deadline set by IGNOU. Late submissions might be penalized.
  • Submission Options: There are two ways to submit IGNOU assignments:
    • In-person:** Visit your designated IGNOU study centre and submit your assignments to the coordinator. Obtain a receipt for confirmation.
    • By Post:** Pack your assignments securely and send them via speed post or courier to your study centre. Remember to note the tracking ID.

By following these steps and referring to the specific instructions provided with your IGNOU assignment, you can effectively complete and submit your assignments.

Visit my website : Ravipublication.in / IGNOU Solved Assignment

Any query please call And WhatsApp: 93112 80949


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